Submit a Design Request

Designing with Safety in Mind

Kentucky 811’s design tools help you plan projects with existing infrastructure in mind. Decide which design tool is appropriate for your needs and get started today. Remember that neither a Preliminary Design nor a Design Ticket are substitutes for a Locate Request.

Preliminary Design Ticket

  • Provides a list of affected utilities and design contacts (as available).
  • Available online and over the phone.
  • Does not send project information to the utility operators. This tool is exclusively for informational purposes.

Design Tickets

  • Ticket information is provided to utility operators for locating.
  • Available online and over the phone.
  • Should not be used for projects requiring excavation.

Ready to Get Started?

Click the button below to submit a design ticket through ITICnxt®.

Submit a Design Request with ITICnxt

Please note that both preliminary design tickets and design tickets are non-excavation tickets, and member utilities are not required to respond.