State Law

Contacting 811 Before You Dig Isn’t Just a Good Idea – It’s the Law

Kentucky’s “Call Before You Dig” law requires everyone who digs to contact Kentucky 811 at least two full working days – excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and state/federal holidays – before breaking ground. Click the button below to view the current statue for legal reference.

View and Print Full State Dig Law

Full law copied from August, 21 2024


Legislative declaration — Short title for KRS 367.4901 to 367.4917.


Definitions for KRS 367.4903 to 367.4917.


Permit not relieving person from complying with provisions of KRS 367.4905 to 367.4917.


Responsibility of persons engaging in nonemergency and emergency work.


Operator to provide protection notification center access to excavators — Kentucky Contact Center — Report of excavation damage — Rejection of design information request — Color coding for temporary underground facility markers — Operator’s inability to comply due to extraordinary circumstances — Underground facilities installed after January 1, 2013.


Excavator or person responsible for excavation to notify operator of work schedule — Responsibilities of excavator.


Duties of protection notification center — Board of directors of Kentucky Contact Center — Kentucky Contact Center to serve all counties.


Activities exempt from KRS 367.4905 to 367.4917.


Penalties — Payment and apportionment of fines — Enforcement by Public Service Commission — Administrative regulations.